0.9.3 ----- features: - added support for multiple connected devices - added support for querying calibrations stored on devices - added support for querying wavelength responsivity curves - added support for querying libri version number added functions: - ri_device_info_t* ri_list_devices(int *ndevices) - void ri_free_device_list(ri_device_info_t *devices) - ri_device* ri_open_from_serial(const char *serial) - ri_device_info_t ri_get_device_info(ri_device *dev) - int ri_get_value(ri_device *dev, RI_VALUE_NAME_t name, void *value) - int ri_get_peak_wavelength_sensitivity(ri_device *dev) - double ri_get_rel_responsivity(ri_device *dev, double wavelength) - ri_version_t ri_version() other: - reorganized examples - added example_multiple_devices - updated example_basic_data_collection to also do calibration to uW 0.9.2 ----- - first public release