Resolved Instruments MATLAB® toolbox docs

Getting started

The Resolved Instruments MATLAB® toolbox is a wrapper to the C libri library, and provides control of the DPD80 USB Photodetector from MATLAB®.

Supported Matlab Versions

Our MATLAB module has currently been tested with the following version of MATLAB:

  • MATLAB R2017a Windows 64bit

  • MATLAB R2020a Windows 64bit

MATLAB toolbox installation

  1. If you have not already downloaded and installed the Resolved Instruments RICU3 drivers, please install them from the downloads page.

  2. If you have previously installed the Resolved Instruments MATLAB® toolbox, uninstall any old toolbox versions before upgrading. In MATLAB® go to Home > Add-Ons dropdown > Manage Add-Ons, and uninstall all RI toolbox versions listed.

  3. Download the MATLAB toolbox file ri-matlab-toolbox-1.1.2.mltbx from the downloads page.

  4. Open MATLAB and move ri-matlab-toolbox-1.1.2.mltbx to your working directory.

  5. In the file explorer tab of MATLAB®, which shows the working directory, double click the ri-matlab-toolbox-1.1.2.mltbx file and press install when a new window appears.

Viewing Documentation

Assuming that the Resolved Instruments MATLAB® toolbox is now installed, the documentation of the riDevice class can be viewed by typing `doc riDevice` in the MATLAB® command window.


If when using the toolbox, an error similar the following occurs:

Invalid MEX-file
The specified procedure could not be found.

It is due to the toolbox loading an older version of libri.dll found on the systems. If this occurs, attempt the following to resolve the issue:

1. Uninstall all old versions of the toolbox. In Matlab go to Home > Add-Ons dropdown > Manage Add-Ons, and uninstall all RI toolbox versions listed there. Then, go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\MATLAB\Add-Ons\Toolboxes and delete any RI matlab toolbox folders that exist. Also check C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB Add-Ons\Toolboxes and delete folders that exist there.

  1. Check for other libri.dll versions in the system path. Open a windows terminal and type which libri.dll. If this returns any locations, upgrade the software that provides libri.dll. For example, if which libri.dll returns C:\Python38\libri.dll, upgrade ripy with pip install --upgrade ri-python.

  2. Restart MATLAB® and try again.